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Canada’s Seafood Farmers Comment on Environment Commissioner’s Report on Salmon Farming

OTTAWA, ON – Canada’s seafood farmers today commented on the recent salmon farming report of the federal Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development.

Timothy Kennedy, Executive Director of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, issued the following statement in response to the report:

“Salmon farming in Canada today is sustainable, diverse and growing. We can be very proud of our global best practices that produce the highest quality and most nutritious seafood in the world.

As the Environment Commissioner stated, the ‘Canadian salmon farming industry is considered to have significant potential for growth due to Canada’s long coastline, cold water temperatures, and proximity to the United States market.’

The Commissioner also stated that Canadian producers demonstrate 'high compliance' with licensing conditions.

Our industry is still young, and we are committed to constant improvement and excellence. 

Salmon aquaculture is a growing industry in Canada that supports work for close to 25,000 Canadians, mainly in rural and remote coastal communities.
Salmon farming practices in Canada are overseen by federal and provincial regulators, and international third-party sustainability certifications.

The Canadian salmon farming sector will continue to review the Environment Commissioner's Report, but in general we support smart regulatory proposals that are based in robust science, clarify regulator roles and responsibilities, achieve sustainable growth, and protect wild salmon populations and the environment.”


For more information please contact:

Sheri Beaulieu,
Twitter: @CDNaquaculture @TimJKennedy