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Canadian Seafood Farmers Welcome The Hon. Bernadette Jordan as Minister of Fisheries and Oceans 

Pursuing collaboration on fighting climate change, working in partnership with Indigenous peoples, and growing a sustainable food future.

OTTAWA, ON - The Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) would like to welcome the Honourable Bernadette Jordan as the new federal Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard and expressed its enthusiasm to work together to realizing the opportunities for Canada through sector development.

“Canadian farm-raised seafood is a global leader in sustainable food production. Our farmed seafood is a climate solution as the world demands more low-carbon protein, and we are leaders in partnering with First Nations across Canada and delivering innovative and inspiring jobs in remote, coastal communities across Canada.” said CAIA President and CEO Timothy Kennedy. 

“Seafood farming is a key driver of economic growth in Canadian rural, coastal and indigenous communities, and is the fastest growing food production sector globally. We look forward to working to develop a strong partnership with Minister Jordan to help Canada’s aquaculture sector thrive,” said Kennedy.

“We would also like to welcome all new Members of Parliament and those returning. We look forward to working with them to help raise the profile of Canadian farmed seafood and generate greater awareness regarding the critical role this sector plays for coastal communities and global food supply,” Kennedy added.

CAIA members generate over $5 billion in economic activity, over $2 billion in GDP, and employ over 25,000 Canadians delivering a healthy, growing and sustainable seafood farming sector in Canada. 

For more information please contact:
Sheri Beaulieu,
Twitter: @CDNaquaculture @TimJKennedy