Webinar on Canada2020 Food Brand Project
CAIA members are welcome to participate in a one-hour webinar being hosted by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) on Tuesday, November 20th at 1 pm ET to learn more about a new Canada2020 initiative in the agri-food sector
Canada 2020, an independent and progressive think tank, is launching a Canada Food Brand Project that is lifting off the Agri-Food Economic Strategy Table’s recent call to advance “a strong and coordinated brand” to help the country compete.
In this industry-led but widely collaborative initiative with other sectors, Canada 2020 is putting in place a comprehensive program to frame-up the Canada food brand. The goal is to help make the food brand a compelling policy priority in the next policy agenda, in late 2019 and early 2020, driven by industry and government champions.
The project is being coordinated by David McInnes, a Senior Fellow at Canada 2020 and the former CEO of the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute. A powerpoint deck and partner brief is provided as background.
The webinar, led by David McInnes, will begin with a brief presentation summarizing the project, its timelines and opportunities for engagement, followed by a Q&A session. For those interested in attending, please login from your computer, tablet or smartphone at a 1 pm ET on Tuesday, November 20th to the following link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/398782773
You can also dial in using your phone.
Canada: +1 (647) 497-9373
Access Code: 398-782-773
To help assess the numbers in advance, please contact Scott Ross, Assistant Executive Director, CFA if participating in this event.